List of all towns and Villages in Harij Taluka of Patan district Gujarat Complete details of Population Religion Literacy and Sex Ratio in tabular format
Harij Taluka Population Religion Caste Patan district
Jamanpur is a Village in Harij Taluka in Patan District of Gujarat State India It is located 26 KM towards west from District head quarters Patan 7 KM from 103 KM from State capital Gandhinagar Jamanpur Pin code is 384240 and postal head office is Harij
Harij Taluka Village Information Directory of Patan Gujarat
Harij Taluka Harij Taluka map onefivenine com
Harij is a city and a municipality in Patan district in the Indian state of Gujarat
Dunavada is a village situated in Harij taluka of Patan district in Gujarat As per the Population Census 2011 there are a total of 770 families residing in the village Dunavada The total population of Dunavada is 4 119 out of which 2 114 are males and 2 005 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Dunavada is 948
Sarval Village Population Harij Patan Gujarat
Harij Taluka Village
Harij Taluka of Patan district has a total population of 94 562 as per the Census 2011 Out of which 48 994 are males while 45 568 are females In 2011 there were a total 18 786 families residing in Harij Taluka The Average Sex Ratio of Harij Taluka is 930
Harij Map Locality Patan Gujarat India Mapcarta
Village Maps of Harij India Village Maps
List of Villages in Harij Subdivision of Patan Gujarat
Villages in Harij Tehsil Patan Gujarat Maps of India
List of Villages in Harij Taluka of Patan GJ villageinfo in
Map of Harij Village in Harij Patan of Gujarat Harij Google map shows the location of Harij village under Harij Patan of Gujarat state using Google Maps data List of Villages in
Jamanpur Village Harij Taluka Patan District
Harij is a Taluka located in Patan district of Gujarat It is one of 7 Talukas of Patan district There are 39 villages and 1 towns in Harij Taluka As per the Census India 2011 Harij Taluka has 18786 households population of 94562 of which 48994 are males and 45568 are females
Sarval is a village located in Harij Taluka of Patan district in Gujarat Around 756 families reside in Sarval village Sarval village is administered by Sarpanch Head of village who is elected every five years
Jasomav is a medium size village located in Harij Taluka of Patan district Gujarat with total 336 families residing The Jasomav village has population of 1699 of which 871 are males while 828 are females as per Population Census 2011
This article offers a detailed overview of Harij Sub District including its population demographic information household data administration details and a comprehensive list of villages in the Harij Subdivision
Jasomav Village Population Harij Patan Gujarat
Harij Taluka is a town in Patan district of Gujarat Get the list of all villages in harij taluka of gujarat with gram panchayat population details
Harij Taluka Population Patan Gujarat List of Villages
Boratwada is a village located in Harij taluka of Patan district in Northern Gujarat India Boratwada is situated 6 km south of Harij
List of all villages and towns in Harij Taluka of Patan district Gujarat As per Census 2011 there are 1 towns and 39 villages within Harij Taluka Click on the town or village name to get complete details such as Population Caste Religion Literacy Sex Ration data
Harij Taluk India with population statistics charts map and location
Villages Towns in Harij Taluka of Patan Gujarat
Select a village from below list to view village map total geographical area population survey number and location related details in Harij tehsil taluk taluka mandal sub district of Patan district of India
Get list of villages in Harij Gujarat Map showing all villages major roads train route hotels hospitals schools colleges religious places and important landmarks
Dunavada Village Population Caste Harij Patan Gujarat
Tamboliya is a Village in Harij Taluka in Patan District of Gujarat State India It is located 23 KM towards South from District head quarters Patan 13 KM from 97 KM from State capital Gandhinagar
Harij Taluk India Population Statistics Charts Map and
Villages Towns in Harij Taluka Patan Gujarat Census India
Get Harij Taluka village information for the location map census code geographical area population categorized by vills of Patan Gujarat
Harij Taluka Village
Harij Wikipedia
Harij Village Map of Harij Village in Harij Tehsil Patan
Tamboliya Village Harij Taluka Patan District
Harij Taluka Villages Patan Gujarat VList in
List of all villages in Harij Taluka Patan Gujarat India
Harij is a Taluka in Patan District of Gujarat State India Patan City Radhanpur City Unjha City Sidhpur City are the nearby Cities to Harij Harij consist of 62 Villages and 38 Panchayats It is in the 51 m elevation altitude